So, taking a page from Angela over at OhSheGlows, I did some things to feel more motivated:
- First, I put on my workout clothes and unloaded the dishwasher/worked on my paper until I felt stupid sitting around in workout and not running.
- Then, I promised myself that I would only have to do 5 minutes of cardio if I really wanted to.
- Finally, I thought about how good it would feel to get to have a rum and diet tonight...without the guilt associated from skipping a work out.
Number one: GUILT. That's right, I know, we're not supposed to use guilt as some sort of sick, self-loathing factor in getting off the couch...but I'm Catholic and guilt is what I know works.
Because I always feel self-conscious at the gym, I make sure that my gym clothes are flattering and make me feel well, good-looking. This ensures that I can focus on the work out and how I feel as opposed to how my gut looks.
Finally, I look for the entertainment value. The older women striving desperately for some unattainable goal, the meat heads trying to score and the people who show up wearing make-up. What can I say, I'm a people watcher.
Anecdote Time!
A woman at the gym today said to me: "It's a good thing you're starting on maintenance now, you'll never get that body back after you have a baby."
...uh, thanks?
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