Thursday, July 1, 2010

It's the end of the month, as we know it.

...And I feel fine.

I really do: Things in reformed dumb-ass land are going well, monetarily speaking. Though the month of June will continue to hang over my head (in terms of my savings goals) for a little bit here, I'm sort of back on top. Here's the stats:

Checking: 249.55
Savings: 320.00
Pocket: 5.00 (plus a whole shit ton of change)

Seriously, though. Much much better than I was when I last checked in. (And I get paid tomorrow!) This sudden good fortune is a product of me calling in a lot of debt from friends. (Big debt, yo. What can I say, I'm too generous.) And I also had a cash scholarship/award come in.

Unfortunately, I also have some fixed expenses coming up in the month of July: $90 to the jewelry store (Repair on four chains), and approximately $200 to my boyfriend's parents (they paid my gas to aforementioned unpaid internship). But once I get back to work, I'll be able to settle my debts and move on with my financial life.

Let's check out the budget!
As you can see, some of the money has already been spent, but that's from my "roll over budgets" from last month. The rest is all open (including some leftover money from other roll over budgets). I do need to play around with my numbers so that my leftovers don't come up red.

But that's a game for tomorrow.

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